Njenis-jenis virus influenza pdf

In contrast to the regular seasonal epidemics of influenza, these pandemics occur irregularly there have been five influenza pandemics during the last 140 years. Humans can also be infected with influenza viruses that are routinely circulating in animal s, such as avian influenza virus subtypes ah5n1 and ah9n2 and swine influenza virus subtypes ah1n1 and h3n2. Centers for disease control and prevention cdc,1 influenza flu is a contagious respiratory illness which is caused by influenza viruses2 and that affects the nose, throat and sometimes lungs. This work is licensed under a creative commons attribution. Recommendations for laboratory procedures to detect avian influenza a h5n1 virus in specimens from suspected human cases who geneva august 2007 1 recommendations and laboratory procedures for detection of avian influenza ah5n1 virus in specimens from suspected human cases1 revised august 2007 contents 1. Kadangkala, virus dapat ditularkan pada spesies lain dan dapat menimbulkan wabah yang berdampak besar pada peternakan unggas domestik. There are four different antiviral drugs that are recommended for use in the united states for the treatment of influenza. Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus. Vaccine effectiveness for seasonal influenza vaccines. Alcohol is an effective sanitizer against influenza viruses, while quaternary ammonium compounds can be used with alcohol so. Virus influenza a h1n1 ialah satu subjenis virus influenza a dan merupakan penyebab yang paling biasa bagi influenza selesema di kalangan manusia. Genus ini memiliki satu spesies, yaitu virus influenza tipe a.

Virus hanya dapat bereplikasi di dalam sel makhluk hidup karena virus tidak memiliki perlengkapan seluler untuk bereproduksi sendiri. This research aimed to apply the inactivation process of the influenza virus through gamma radiation as a candidate for the development of wholeinactivated vaccines. The most common subtypes of influenza virus in swine are h1n1, h1n2, and h3n2. Summary of status of development and availability of ah7 candidate vaccine viruses pdf, 152kb 28 september 2017. Pdf inactivation of human influenza virus using gamma. Unggas akuatik liar merupakan inang alamiah untuk sejumlah besar varietas influenza tipe a. The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. Information on avian influenza avian influenza flu. Influenza virology and animal transmission studies antigenic and genetic characteristics of swineorigin 2009 ah1n1 influenza viruses circulating in humans pdf icon 327 mb, 7 pages external icon. Influenza b, one type of influenza virus, is dominating the 20192020 flu season early on. Namun burung liar adalah tempat tinggal alamiah mereka. Low pathogenic avian influenza virus h5 and h7 strains have the potential to mutate into highly pathogenic avian influenza and are, therefore, closely monitored. The evolution of influenza viruses results in i recurrent annual epidemics of disease that are caused by progressive antigenic drift of influenza a and b viruses due to the mutability of the rna genome and ii infrequent but severe pandemics caused by the emergence of novel influenza a subtypes to which the population has little immunity.

Sedikit lebih jauh, mari kita coba mengenali virus influenza. Virus influenza tipe a dapat menginfeksi manusia, kuda, babi, anjing laut, ikan paus dan binatang lainnya. To investigate the transmission of influenza viruses via hands and environmental surfaces, the survival of laboratorygrown influenza a and influenza b viruses on various surfaces was studied. Influenza is a viral infection that affects mainly the nose, throat, bronchi and, occasionally, lungs. Recommendations and laboratory procedures for detection of. Influenza viruses cause seasonal influenza epidemics, mostly in the winter months in temperate climates and with less distinct seasonality in the tropics, with annual attack rates of 510% in adults and 2030% in children 1. Virus tipe a ini dibagi dalam beberapa subtipe berdasar. Istilah virus biasanya digunakan pada jenis virus yang menginfeksi selsel eukariota. Because the rna genomes of influenza viruses are segmented they can undergo reassortment mixing up if two different influenza viruses infect the same cell. The great influenza pandemic of 1918 remains the worst outbreak of infectious disease in history.

Survival of influenza viruses on environmental surfaces. Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 19181919. The adamantane derivates rimantadine and amantadine and the neuraminidase inhibitors zanamivir and oseltamivir are the only antiviral drugs currently approved in europe for therapy and prophylaxis of influenza infections. Flu tends to occur mostly in the fall and winter months in the united states. Cea mitigating the impact of pandemic influenza through vaccine innovation. Thus alternative therapies, targeting the viruses themselves rather than their individual genes, could be. It was caused by an h1n1 virus with genes of avian origin. Avianorigin influenza a h7n9 virus new england journal of medicine, massachusetts medical. The signs and symptoms of influenza overlap with those of many other viral upper respiratory tract infections uris. The united states is not currently experiencing an influenza pandemic. Virus wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Jenisjenis strain virus influenza nadila delas blog. The textbook of influenza is a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of influenza, from the genetic and molecular biology of the virus through to clinical aspects of the disease and the latest drug developments and treatments.

Semua bentuk kehidupan dapat diinfeksi oleh virus, mulai dari hewan, tumbuhan, hingga bakteri dan arkea. Table 1 shows a summary of influenza virus detections in the who european region reported to tessy since the start of the 201718 season weeks 40482017. Despite the same subtype classification, swine influenza viruses in europe and the united states of america usa are genetically distinct. It is an orthomyxovirus that contains the glycoproteins haemagglutinin and neuraminidase. H3n1 influenza viruses have also been isolated from pigs in the usa and korea rep.

The complete story of the discovery and reconstruction of the 1918 pandemic virus. Human infection with a novel avianorigin influenza a h7n9 virus. Virus tipe a ini dibagi dalam beberapa subtipe berdasar dua 2 jenis protein pada permukaannya. Generation of influenza a viruses as live but replication. The relationship between the filamentous and spherical structures observed in the infected allantoic. Influenza viruses continue to pose threats of epidemics, resulting from mutated viruses, to which we have inadequate therapeutic remedies, largely because of the continuing emergence of drugresistance. Groups at higher risk of severe illness include young.

Who information for the molecular diagnosis of influenza. Influenza diagnosis clinical and epidemiological characteristics increase of febrile respiratory illness lab isolation of influenza virus from clinical specimen e. These symptoms typically begin two days after exposure to the virus and most last less than a week. Influenza virus characterisation, july 2019 ecdc europa eu. Types of influenza viruses cdc centers for disease control. Pandemics can cause high levels of mortality, with the 1918 spanish flu pandemic. Animation of the mechanism of an influenza virus and how crucells antibodies target the ha1 proteins on the virus and prevent further spread of influenza. Most researchers believe that hiv originated in subsaharan africa during the 20th century. Influenza wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Introduction influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, is an infectious viral disease caused by rna viruses of the family orthomyxoviridae the influenza viruses, that affects birds and mammals. Highly pathogenic avian influenza spreads rapidly and has a high death rate in birds. The links below offer more information about avian influenza.

Guidance for clinicians on the use of rapid influenza diagnostic tests background rapid influenza diagnostic tests ridts are immunoassays that can identify the presence of influenza a and b viral nucleoprotein antigens in respiratory specimens, and display the result in a qualitative way positive vs. Virus influenza terdiri dari 3 tipe, yaitu a, b, dan c. Virus influenza a subjenis h1n1 wikipedia bahasa melayu. These influenza or flu viruses are usually transmitted persontoperson3 by droplets made when someone who has the flu either coughs, sneezes or talks. Who information for molecular diagnosis of influenza virus in humans update august 2011 this document provides information on molecular diagnostic protocols available as of the above date for influenza viruses in humans. Influenza is a serious and frequently underestimated, but vaccine preventable disease. The conversion of lifethreatening viruses into live but avirulent vaccines represents a revolution in vaccinology. Guidance for clinicians on the use of rapid influenza. Other species including horses and dogs also hav e their own varieties of influenza viruses. There have been nearly 3 000 detections, with type a viruses. Mitigating the impact of pandemic influenza through.

During the 20th century there were four pandemics caused by influenza virus and those that occurred in 1918, 1957 and 1968 were severe. In humans, influenza viruses infect the respiratory epithelium. These viruses occur naturally among wild aquatic birds worldwide and can infect domestic poultry and other bird and animal species. Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in. Why was the vaccine virus for the 20142015 season not closely related to circulating influenza viruses. Of the four antigenic types, influenza a virus is the most severe, influenza b virus is less severe but can still cause outbreaks, and influenza c virus is usually only associated with minor symptoms. Influenza a viruses are classified by subtypes based on the properties of their hemagglutinin h and. Pdf antiviral activity of garlic extract on influenza virus. The morphology of influenza virus is described, and the properties of its two components, the elementary body and the soluble substance, differentiated. Influenza a virus subtype h1n1 ah1n1 is the subtype of influenza a virus that was the most common cause of human influenza flu in 2009, and is associated with the 1918 outbreak known as the spanish flu. Who information for molecular diagnosis of influenza virus in humans.

Table 1 shows a summary of influenza virus detections in the who european. Low detections of influenza ah3n2 viruses were reported in morocco. The approved list of biological agents published in 2004 classifies influenza types a, b and c as hazard group 2 agents. Since influenza spreads through both aerosols and contact with contaminated surfaces, surface sanitizing may help prevent some infections. However, sporadic human infections with avian flu viruses have occurred. Typically characterized by annual seasonal epidemics, sporadic pandemic outbreaks. Influenza y pandemias textbook of influenza edited by robert g. Sesetengah jenis h1n1 merupakan endemik dalam manusia dan menyebabkan segelintir daripada kesemua penyakit mirip influenza dan sebahagian besar daripada kesemua influenza bermusim. Summary of status of development and availability of ah7 candidate vaccine viruses pdf, 4kb 29 february 2016. However, the largest natural reservoir of influenza a viruses is wild aquatic birds, such as ducks. An influenza pandemic is an epidemic of an influenza virus that spreads on a worldwide scale and infects a large proportion of the world population. Infection usually lasts for about a week, and is characterized by. This new edition has been completely revised and reflects the integration of disciplines concerning the emergence, evolution, pathogenesis and control of influenza. Summary of status of development and availability of ah7 candidate vaccine viruses pdf, 7kb 5 march 2018.

Flu a viruses circulate widely in nature and cause infections of humans, pigs, horses, bats, and other animals. Influenza virus characterisation summary europe, july 2019. There is concern that highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the h5 and h7 subtypes may evolve to cause similar pandemics. In egypt, influenza activity continued to decrease, with detections of all seasonal influenza virus subtypes. But the time of year when flu is most common can vary from one area to another. Influenza virus detections in the who european region from the start of reporting for the 2019 20 season weeks 40. Influenza, yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan flu, merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus rna dari familia orthomyxoviridae virus influenza, yang menyerang unggas dan mamalia. The genes of influenza virus peter palese mount sinai school of medicine of cuny new york, new york 10029 in 1931 influenza viruses were first isolated from pigs shope, 1931, and subsequently the first hu man influenza virus isolates were obtained smith, andrewes, and laidlaw, 1933. Influenza viruses antiviral therapy and resistance. Human infections caused by h5n1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses have raised concern about the emergence of another pandemic. Virus adalah mikroorganisme patogen yang menginfeksi sel makhluk hidup. Both influenza a and b viruses survived for 2448 hr on hard, nonporous surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic but survived for influenza viruses a, b, c, and d represent the four antigenic types of influenza viruses. Among influenza viruses, type a is considered the most dangerous to human health.

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